================================== Quilt using package in your hands ================================== This package makes use of a debian/patches/ directory maintained with quilt. The integration of the actual patches in the build process is done with the inclusion of /usr/share/quilt/quilt.make in debian/rules. Modify this package =================== You can still modify this package (e.g. for NMUs) through editing the source but be aware that this might collide with patches integrated in the patch system. Since one of the patches strips linking flags from the configure and configure.in files re-libtoolizing etc. pp. will result in build problems. Modify this package with quilt ============================== This is a small example to get you started with quilt on this package and is far from beeing complete. dpkg-source -x the package and change into that directory // Set the path to the patches correctly so that quilt can find them sven@marvin:/tmp/foo/tclcurl-7.19.0$ export QUILT_PATCHES=debian/patches // Check on the different patches available sven@marvin:/tmp/foo/tclcurl-7.19.0$ quilt series man-section reformat-tclcurl3 correct-linking // Apply the correct-linking patch, this will cause quilt to apply all patches // stacked on the selected one first. sven@marvin:/tmp/foo/tclcurl-7.19.0$ quilt push correct-linking [...] // Take a look at the current diff sven@marvin:/tmp/foo/tclcurl-7.19.0$ quilt diff [...] // Open configure for editing sven@marvin:/tmp/foo/tclcurl-7.19.0$ quilt edit configure [...] // Refresh the patch you're working on sven@marvin:/tmp/foo/tclcurl-7.19.0$ quilt refresh Refreshed patch correct-linking // Remove the patch from your working stack sven@marvin:/tmp/foo/tclcurl-7.19.0$ quilt pop Removing patch correct-linking Restoring configure Restoring configure.in Now at patch reformat-tclcurl3 This should be enough to get your modifications in. Adding patches to quilt without actually using it ================================================= You can operate without using quilt. You just need to add a proper patch to debian/patches and add the name to the series file in the same directory.