--- /dev/null
+set -eu
+# since we're running with nounset we've to ensure all variables exist
+function help {
+ cat <<EOF
+ ${0} [ -r repository ] [ pull | push | pass-command ]
+ mpass is a thin wrapper around pass to ease working with
+ multiple repository.
+ Before you get started create a configuration file in
+ ${HOME}/.mpass. This fill must contain an associative bash array
+ named "REPO_STORE_DIR[reponame]" to define your repository location.
+ The default repoistory should be named "default" is used when no
+ other repository name is defined with "-r" on the mpass invocation.
+ Example:
+ REPO_STORE_DIR[default]="/home/sven/pass"
+ REPO_STORE_DIR[foo]="/home/sven/pass-foo"
+ Commands:
+ pull: executes a "git pull" in the configured REPO_STORE_DIR[reponame]
+ push: executes a "git push" in the configured REPO_STORE_DIR[reponame]
+ exit 42
+function initialize {
+ # try to source our configuration
+ if [ -f "${HOME}/.mpass" ]; then
+ # declare all known configuration options as an associative array first
+ declare -A REPO_STORE_DIR
+ source ${HOME}/.mpass
+ else
+ echo "ERROR: Could not find mpass configuration in ${HOME}/.mpass" >&2
+ help
+ fi
+ # in case no repository is defined, assume it's "default"
+ if [ -z "${repo}" ]; then
+ repo="default"
+ fi
+ # define pass repo location
+ # this variable is also used by pass to decide where to operate
+ export PASSWORD_STORE_DIR="${REPO_STORE_DIR[${repo}]}"
+ # check if we actually have something that could be a repository configuraton
+ if [ -z "${PASSWORD_STORE_DIR}" ]; then
+ echo "ERROR: No valid repository configuration found for repo ${repo}" >&2
+ help
+ fi
+ # try to find out if we've a repository at hand, otherwise issue a warning
+ # this could still result in an error, but is perfectly fine on an "init" command
+ if ! [ -d "${PASSWORD_STORE_DIR}" ]; then
+ echo "WARNING: Given pass repo ${PASSWORD_STORE_DIR} does not exist" >&2
+ fi
+while getopts ":r:" option; do
+ case $option in
+ r)
+ repo="${OPTARG}"
+ shift $((OPTIND-1))
+ ;;
+ \?)
+ echo "ERROR: Invalid option: -$OPTARG" >&2
+ help
+ ;;
+ :)
+ echo "ERROR: Option -$OPTARG requires an argument" >&2
+ help
+ ;;
+ esac
+if [[ -z "${@}" ]]; then
+ echo "ERROR: no commands given" >&2
+ help
+# read our configuration
+case $1 in
+ pull)
+ echo "Trying to update pass repo ${PASSWORD_STORE_DIR}"
+ set +e
+ git pull
+ set -e
+ cd -
+ ;;
+ push)
+ echo "Trying to push pass repo ${PASSWORD_STORE_DIR}"
+ set +e
+ git push
+ set -e
+ cd -
+ ;;
+ *)
+ echo "Remaining pass commands: $@"
+ pass ${@}
+ ;;