--- /dev/null
+# Script to parse and rewrite the hpacucli output so we can feed it to Zabbix.
+# sven@timegate.de - 2010-05-13
+#set -x
+cleanup() {
+ if [ -e $clog ]; then
+ rm $clog
+ fi
+check_ok() {
+ if [ $rawv -eq 1 ]; then
+ echo 0
+ else
+ echo 1
+ fi
+controllerstat() {
+ sudo hpacucli ctrl all show status > $clog
+ #Check if another hpacucli has been active, sleep and try again
+ if [ $(grep -c '^Another' $clog) -eq 1 ]; then
+ sleep 10
+ controllerstat
+ cleanup
+ exit
+ fi
+ constat=1
+ chachestat=1
+ battstat=1
+ #Check Controller overall status
+ rawv=$(grep Controller $clog|awk '{print $3}'|grep -c OK)
+ constat=$(check_ok)
+ #Check Cache Status
+ rawv=$(grep Cache $clog|awk '{print $3}'|grep -c OK)
+ cachestat=$(check_ok)
+ #Check for a battery and it's status if available
+ if [ $(grep -c Battery $clog) -eq 0 ]; then
+ battstat=0
+ else
+ rawv=$(grep Battery $clog|awk '{print $3}'|grep -c OK)
+ battstat=$(check_ok)
+ fi
+ #Calculate overall status and return it
+ allstat=$(( $constat + $cachestat + $battstat ))
+ if [ $allstat -eq '0' ]; then
+ echo 0
+ else
+ echo 1
+ fi
+diskstat() {
+ sudo hpacucli ctrl slot=0 pd all show > $clog
+ #Check if another hpacucli has been active, sleep and try again
+ if [ $(grep -c '^Another' $clog) -eq 1 ]; then
+ sleep 10
+ diskstat
+ cleanup
+ exit
+ fi
+ drivecount=$(grep -c physicaldrive $clog)
+ driveok=$(grep -c OK $clog)
+ if [ $driveok -eq $drivecount ]; then
+ echo 0
+ else
+ echo 1
+ fi
+### Main script ###
+while getopts ":cdh" opt; do
+ case $opt in
+ c)
+ #Create a save tempfile with mktemp
+ clog=$(mktemp /var/tmp/clog.XXXXXXXXXXXX)
+ controllerstat
+ cleanup
+ ;;
+ d)
+ #Create a save tempfile with mktemp
+ clog=$(mktemp /var/tmp/clog.XXXXXXXXXXXX)
+ diskstat
+ cleanup
+ ;;
+ h)
+ echo "HP disk and controller check version $VERSION"
+ echo "Usage:"
+ echo "-c Outputs controler overall status as 0 or 1"
+ echo "-d Outputs disk overall status as 0 or 1"
+ echo "-h Print this help"
+ echo "Output legend: 0 equals OK, 1 indicates something went wrong"
+ exit 1
+ ;;
+ \?)
+ echo "Unknown option: -$OPTARG"
+ echo "Try -h to get help"
+ exit 1
+ ;;
+ esac
--- /dev/null
+# Collect some mail stats from Postfix for Zabbix.
+# sven@timegate.de - 2010-05-17
+qdir=`/usr/sbin/postconf -h queue_directory`
+while getopts ":idsh" opt; do
+ case $opt in
+ d)
+ find $qdir/deferred -type f -print | wc -l | awk '{print $1}'
+ ;;
+ i)
+ find $qdir/incoming $qdir/active $qdir/maildrop -type f -print|wc -l|awk '{print $1}'
+ ;;
+ s)
+ echo $(( \
+ $(du -bs /var/opt/mailhome|cut -f1) + \
+ $(du -bs /home/sven/Maildir|cut -f1) + \
+ ))
+ ;;
+ h)
+ echo "Mailq stats $VERSION"
+ echo "Usage:"
+ echo "-d Outputs number of mails in the deferred queue"
+ echo "-i Outputs number of mails in the incoming, active and maildrop queue"
+ echo "-s Total size of the most used Maildir folders in bytes"
+ echo "-h Print this help"
+ exit 1
+ ;;
+ \?)
+ echo "Unknown option: -$OPTARG"
+ echo "Try -h to get help"
+ exit 1
+ ;;
+ esac