]> git.sven.stormbind.net Git - sven/tclcurl.git/shortlog
2018-11-01 Sven HoexterBump Standards-Version to 4.2.1 - no changes required.
2018-11-01 Sven HoexterAdjust Vcs-* to point to https endpoints.
2018-11-01 Sven HoexterRemove Hompage from d/control - does no longer exist.
2016-09-04 Sven Hoexterreleasing package tclcurl version 7.22.0+hg20160822-1 debian/7.22.0+hg20160822-1
2016-09-04 Sven HoexterDo not Build-Depend on quilt, removed --with quilt...
2016-09-04 Sven HoexterBump Standards-Version to 3.9.8 - no changes required.
2016-09-04 Sven Hoexterfinalise changelog
2016-09-04 Sven Hoexter* Import a mercurial snapshot based on 475f63137a7e.
2016-09-04 Sven HoexterMerge tag 'upstream/7.22.0+hg20160822'
2016-09-04 Sven HoexterNew upstream version 7.22.0+hg20160822 upstream upstream/7.22.0+hg20160822
2015-10-17 Sven Hoexterreleasing package tclcurl version 7.22.0+hg20151017-1 debian/7.22.0+hg20151017-1
2015-10-17 Sven HoexterAdd d/pattches/bts719441.patch - thanks to Christian...
2015-10-17 Sven HoexterAdd d/patches/bts801734.patch - thanks to Christian...
2015-10-17 Sven HoexterRemoved all patches, all applied upstream. Thanks Steve.
2015-10-17 Sven HoexterAdjust d/changelog to the snapshot version.
2015-10-17 Sven HoexterMerge tag 'upstream/7.22.0+hg20151017'
2015-10-17 Sven HoexterImported Upstream version 7.22.0+hg20151017 upstream/7.22.0+hg20151017
2015-07-21 Sven HoexterUpdate d/copyright and add the link to Steve Havelkas...
2015-07-21 Sven HoexterRemove d/watch. The old download location is no longer...
2015-07-21 Sven Hoexterreleasing package tclcurl version 7.22.0-2 debian/7.22.0-2
2015-07-21 Sven Hoexters/transfered/transferred/ in several manpages as sugges...
2015-07-09 Sven HoexterBump Standards-Version to 3.9.6 - so far no changes...
2015-07-09 Sven HoexterPoint the Homepage field to a mirror of the last websit...
2012-06-02 Sven Hoexterreleasing version 7.22.0-1 debian/7.22.0-1
2012-06-02 Sven HoexterAnother round of manpage fixes and associated patch...
2012-06-02 Sven HoexterFix another hyphen-as-minus in man 3 tclcurl.
2012-06-02 Sven HoexterContinue to move the libs to /usr/lib/tcltk/ for now...
2012-06-02 Sven HoexterUpdate homepage in debian/watch and debian/control.
2012-06-02 Sven HoexterUpdate copyright year and download location in debian...
2012-06-02 Sven HoexterChange Standards-Version to 3.9.3 - no changes required.
2012-06-02 Sven HoexterSwitch LDFLAGS to DEB_LDFLAGS_MAINT_PREPEND.
2012-06-02 Sven HoexterSwitch to dh compat level 9, build-depend on debhelper...
2012-06-02 Sven HoexterRemove overrides for dh_clean and dh_installexamples...
2012-06-02 Sven HoexterRefresh all patches.
2012-06-02 Sven HoexterAdd .pc to .gitignore.
2012-06-02 Sven HoexterBuild-depend on libcurl4-gnutls-dev (>= 7.22.0).
2012-06-02 Sven HoexterRemove debian/patches/deprecated-curl-types - fixed...
2012-06-02 Sven HoexterNew upstream release
2012-06-02 Sven HoexterMerge tag 'upstream/7.22.0'
2012-06-02 Sven HoexterImported Upstream version 7.22.0 upstream/7.22.0
2011-08-04 Sven Hoexterreleasing version 7.19.6-3 debian/7.19.6-3
2011-08-04 Sven HoexterAdd debian/patches/deprecated-curl-types to no longer...
2011-04-28 Sven Hoexterreleasing version 7.19.6-2 debian/7.19.6-2
2011-04-28 Sven HoexterAdd debian/patches/(man-hyphen-as-minus|man-spelling...
2011-04-28 Sven HoexterOverride dh_installexamples to not install a.tcl~.
2011-04-28 Sven HoexterEmtpy override for dh_auto_test, the reference all...
2011-04-28 Sven HoexterOverride dh_clean to not remove autom4te.cache and...
2011-04-28 Sven HoexterSpaces to tabs in debian/rules
2011-04-28 Sven HoexterAdd a watch file.
2011-04-28 Sven HoexterAdd debian/source/format -> 1.0.
2011-04-28 Sven Hoexter* Convert to dh:
2011-04-28 Sven HoexterUpdate VCS-* to the new git repository.
2011-04-28 Sven HoexterBumb Standards-Version to 3.9.2 - no changes.
2011-04-28 Sven HoexterUpdate homepage url to a generic hostname.
2011-04-28 Sven HoexterAdd gbp.conf with pristine-tar = true
2011-01-17 Sven HoexterImported Upstream version 7.19.6 upstream/7.19.6
2011-01-17 Sven HoexterMerge commit 'upstream/7.19.6'
2011-01-17 Sven HoexterMerge branch 'upstream'
2011-01-17 Sven Hoexterinitial upstream branch
2010-06-16 Sven HoexterUpdate homepage url.
2010-06-16 Sven HoexterAdd ${misc:Depends} to the binary package.
2010-06-16 Sven HoexterBumb Standards-Version to 3.8.4 - no changes.
2009-11-11 Sven Hoexterrefresh all patches again and set a new changelog date debian/7.19.6-1
2009-09-30 Sven HoexterChange maintainer e-mail to my @d.o address.
2009-09-30 Sven HoexterRefresh patches/correct-linking.
2009-09-30 Sven Hoexter* New upstream release.
2009-08-05 Sven HoexterSet the permissions for the example files to 644, excep...
2009-08-05 Sven HoexterAdd patches/example-shebang. This patch adds a working...
2009-08-04 Sven Hoexterreleasing version 7.19.0-1
2009-08-04 Sven HoexterAdd description header to all patches.
2009-08-04 Sven HoexterCopy in the short README.source from mysqltcl
2009-08-04 Sven HoexterBump standards version to 3.8.2
2008-12-27 Sven HoexterUpdate debian/copyright with copyright information...
2008-09-11 Sven HoexterMake README.source a little bit nicer and add some...
2008-09-11 Sven Hoexter* New upstream release.
2008-09-11 Sven HoexterAdd a debian/README.source file with an introduction...
2008-09-11 Sven HoexterUpdate mail address of the upstream maintainer in debia...
2008-09-11 Sven HoexterBuild-Depend at least on libcurl4 (>= 7.19.0).
2008-09-11 Sven HoexterAim at unreleased to conform with the expectations...
2008-09-11 Sven Hoexter* New upstream release
2008-02-14 Sven Hoexteroops the examples file was still there debian/7.17.1-1
2008-02-14 Sven HoexterRe-add dh_installexamples
2008-02-14 Sven HoexterReadd --with-tcl and --with-tclinclude
2008-02-13 Sven Hoexterand another manpage fix
2008-02-13 Sven Hoexter* Updated the copyright file and formated it to make...
2008-02-13 Sven Hoexteranother man confusion caught by lintian
2008-02-13 Sven Hoexter* Added patch reformat-tclcurl3 to prevent confusion...
2007-12-25 Sven HoexterOptimisation roudn 2
2007-12-25 Sven HoexterCorrect optimization/noopt check
2007-12-25 Sven Hoexter* Adopt the new Tcl/Tk policy and move the lib into...
2007-12-25 Sven Hoexterchange file removal path to tclcurl
2007-12-25 Sven HoexterRemove empty diretories from build
2007-12-25 Sven HoexterMake rules work again - remove spaces and replace them...
2007-12-25 Sven HoexterUnification with mysqltcl rules files
2007-12-25 Sven Hoexter* Reworked debian/rules to make it a bit clearer what...
2007-12-25 Sven Hoexter* Added Vcs-Svn field to debian/control.
2007-12-25 Sven Hoexter[svn-inject] Applying Debian modifications to trunk
2007-12-25 Sven HoexterCreating trunk directory