[ Sylvestre Ledru ]
* Team upload
+ * Upload to unstable
* Ack the NMU of David Prévot (thanks!)
* Standards-Version updated to version 3.9.4
* Remove obsolete variable from the changelog
* Add {mozilla,firefox}-javaplugin.so for update-java-alternatives.
* Fix plugin directories. Closes: #686216
+ [ Emmanuel Bourg ]
+ * Switched to the 3.0 (native) package format
+ * debian/control: Use canonical URLs for the Vcs-* fields
+ * debian/copyright: Switched to the Machine-readable format 1.0
+ * Updated the manpages to reflect the latest naming changes
+ * Removed the unused provided dependencies (j2sdk<version>, j2re<version>)
+ * Provide the java<version-1>-runtime and java<version-2>-runtime dependencies
+ (Closes: #691063)
+ * Provide the java<version>-sdk dependencies to match the openjdk package
+ * Use the upstream versioning scheme (i.e 7u13 instead of 7.13)
+ to match the convention used by the new openjdk packages
+ * Renamed the script files (j2sdk->jdk, j2re->jre, j2se->javase)
-- Sylvestre Ledru <sylvestre@debian.org> Wed, 05 Jun 2013 13:43:55 +0200
java-package (0.51~exp1) experimental; urgency=low