--- /dev/null
+Fix some smaller issue in the manpage brought up by lintian.
+Mostly hyphen-as-minus and two spelling issue.
+--- a/doc/mysqltcl.n
++++ b/doc/mysqltcl.n
+@@ -396,17 +396,17 @@ The port number for the TCP/IP connectio
+ The socket or named pipe for the connection.
+ .TP
+ \fB-encoding\fR \fIencodingname\fR
+-The option works similar to -encoding option in fconfigure. It support also
+-special encoding name binary. By option -binary no converting will be done be reading or writing to/from MySQL.
++The option works similar to \-encoding option in fconfigure. It support also
++special encoding name binary. By option \-binary no converting will be done be reading or writing to/from MySQL.
+ If option is not set the system encoding (see utf-8) is used.
+ Please test all input and outputs with another program to check that all
+ is the way you expect it. If option binary is not used the system procedures
+ Tcl_ExternalToUtfDString (writing) and Tcl_ExternalToUtf (reading) will be used
+ by option binary the function Tcl_GetByteArrayFromObj and Tcl_NewByteArrayObj are used.
+-If you want to manipulate binary date use -encoding binary. By handling textes set your
++If you want to manipulate binary date use \-encoding binary. By handling textes set your
+ special encoding that you want to use in your database. Consider what another system access the
+ database and what encoding they expect. It can useful
+-to use -encoding utf-8. That is standard encoding in some linux distributions and newer systems.
++to use \-encoding utf-8. That is standard encoding in some linux distributions and newer systems.
+ .TP
+ \fB-compress\fR \fIboolean\fR
+ Use compression protocol. Default is false
+@@ -442,23 +442,23 @@ Switch to SSL after handshake. Default i
+ .TP
+ \fB-sslkey\fR \fIstring\fR
+ is the pathname to the key file.
+-Used if -ssl is true
++Used if \-ssl is true
+ .TP
+ \fB-sslcert\fR \fIstring\fR
+ is the pathname to the certificate file.
+-Used if -ssl is true
++Used if \-ssl is true
+ .TP
+ \fB-sslca\fR \fIstring\fR
+ is the pathname to the certificate authority file.
+-Used if -ssl is true
++Used if \-ssl is true
+ .TP
+ \fB-sslcapath\fR \fIstring\fR
+ is the pathname to a directory that contains trusted SSL CA certificates in pem format.
+-Used if -ssl is true
++Used if \-ssl is true
+ .TP
+ \fB-sslcipher\fR \fIstring\fR
+ is a list of allowable ciphers to use for SSL encryption.
+-Used if -ssl is true
++Used if \-ssl is true
+ .RE
+ .TP
+ \fB::mysql::use\fR \fIhandle\fR \fIdatabase\fR
+@@ -498,9 +498,9 @@ is useful for scanning with a single \fI
+ .RE
+ Example:
+ .nf
+-% ::mysql::sel $db "SELECT ID, NAME FROM FRIENDS" -list
++% ::mysql::sel $db "SELECT ID, NAME FROM FRIENDS" \-list
+ {1 Joe} {2 Phil} {3 John}
+-% ::mysql::sel $db "SELECT ID, NAME FROM FRIENDS" -flatlist
++% ::mysql::sel $db "SELECT ID, NAME FROM FRIENDS" \-flatlist
+ {1 Joe 2 Phil 3 John}
+ .fi
+ Note that both list syntaxes are faster than something like
+@@ -511,7 +511,7 @@ Note that both list syntaxes are faster
+ {1 Joe 2 Phil 3 John}
+ .fi
+ If \fIsql-statement\fR is a valid MySQL statement, but not a SELECT
+-statement, the command returns -1 after executing the statement, or an empty
++statement, the command returns \-1 after executing the statement, or an empty
+ string if \fI-list\fR or \fI-flatlist\fR is specified.
+ There is no pending result in this case.
+ .sp
+@@ -593,7 +593,7 @@ The first variable in the binding list i
+ the row, and so on.
+ The variables are created in the current context (if they do not
+ already exist).
+-A variable name begining with a hyphen is not bound; it serves as a
++A variable name beginning with a hyphen is not bound; it serves as a
+ placeholder in the binding list.
+ If there are more columns than variables the extra columns are
+ ignored.
+@@ -641,7 +641,7 @@ This command can be faster as using of :
+ very big resultset will not overload client machine.
+ The scipt should process the result immadiatly because
+ it can block table (or tables) for another clients.
+-If performance matter please test all alternatives separatly.
++If performance matter please test all alternatives separately.
+ You must consider two aspects: memory consumption and performance.
+ .TP
+ \fB::mysql::seek\fR \fIhandle\fR \fIrow-index\fR
+@@ -653,8 +653,8 @@ Row index 0 is the position just before
+ row index 1 is the position just before the second row, and so
+ on.
+ You may specify a negative row index.
+-Row index -1 is the position just before the last row;
+-row index -2 is the position just before the second last row,
++Row index \-1 is the position just before the last row;
++row index \-2 is the position just before the second last row,
+ and so on.
+ An out-of-bounds row index will cause ::mysql::seek to set the new current
+ position either just before the first row (if the index is too negative),
+@@ -740,7 +740,7 @@ name lname area phone
+ % ::mysql::col $db friends {name type length}
+ {fname char 12} {lname char 20} {area char 5} {phone char 12}
+ % ::mysql::sel $db {select * from friends}
+-% ::mysql::col $db -current name type length
++% ::mysql::col $db \-current name type length
+ {fname lname area phone} {char char char char} {12 20 5 12}]
+ .fi
+ .TP
+@@ -918,7 +918,7 @@ Rollback the current transaction.
+ .TP
+ \fB::mysql::nextresult\fR \fIhandle\fR
+ If more query results exist, mysql::nextresult() reads the next query results and returns the status back to application.
+-returns -1 if no result or number of rows in the result set.
++returns \-1 if no result or number of rows in the result set.
+ .TP
+ \fB::mysql::moreresult\fR \fIhandle\fR
+ Returns true if more results exist from the currently executed query, and the application must call mysql::result to fetch the results.
+@@ -951,7 +951,7 @@ if {[mysql::isnull $row]} {
+ create new null object. It can be used to simulate returned row contents.
+ .TP
+ \fB::mysql::setserveroption\fR \fIhandle\fR \fIoption\fR
+-there are only 2 options now: -multi_statment_on and -multi_statment_off
++there are only 2 options now: \-multi_statment_on and \-multi_statment_off
+ .TP
+ \fB::mysql::shutdown\fR \fIhandle\fR
+ Asks the database server to shut down. The connected user must have SHUTDOWN privileges.
+@@ -974,7 +974,7 @@ All conflicts also generate a Tcl error.
+ All MySQL server conflicts set mysqlstatus(code) to the numeric
+ code of the MySQL error.
+ .sp
+-Any other conflict sets mysqlstatus(code) to -1.
++Any other conflict sets mysqlstatus(code) to \-1.
+ .TP
+ command
+ The last failing mysqltcl command.